Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life after Death

Life after Death

Life after death is confusing, but a very beautiful one!!

When I kissed myself goodbye, I had a mourning process. One like, a death of a family member.

I started to feel at a complete loss. One that overtook my body and my mind. I found myself crying and feeling sad. It felt as if a family member was in the midst of dying and I am awaiting for their depart. It felt really sad.

I remember asking my friend Colleen, “why is it that I feel sad? Why do I feel as if I am pre-mourning a death”. It seemed as life was different in a very odd way. It was like, entering a new world and an unknown one.

I felt changes within my life. I started to realize my life was in a great alteration mode. A mode that makes me feel more of a self reliant person,with a feeling of conquer in my world. I love the altered me.

I have found my journey to be quite amazing.

Death now is a memory. All of those that were left behind in my death has now permanently stayed in that category, unless we are like-minded.

I believe that when individuals unite and spend beautiful and important time together, they cherish and enjoy time. I believe the time does not need to be with those that you were programmed to be with or in your comfort category. Opening up different paths will prevail. Having like-minded mentors, or a mentor in a higher category that is trustworthy.

Being able to move forward in life, is one step closer to yourself .

Be the “True” you and don’t let anyone take that away from you!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Life within

Life within

Life within is what you need to love unconditionally!

Life within is totally opposite or way different than your outer life. It seems, when we get down deep into meditation with ourselves, we see the dares we should’ve done, the “I wish I said that”, and our dreams. We seek within us what we would love to possess with out. We think of plenty of pleasures and excitement, that we forget where our foundation came from. We become overwhelmed with life and fun that we forget to love ourselves. Then guilt starts to set in and we start to depart from our inner-selves.

At times we all feel that despair. A cry for hope, love and some kind of freedom. We desire to create something wonderful within our lives and feel the emotions. We believe that everything is possible and we start with the impossibilities. If we count all the impossibilities within our lives, you would be amazed upon your own statistics of, ” How I judge me, I don’t love me, I am ugly, etc..” We then are not motivated and we are kept in the same cycle over and over again. We don’t change. We stay the same.

If you don’t change, who will change for you? No-one, we all know that. (We expect people to change)

If you don’t love you, who could love you? No-one, we all know that. (We expect for other people to love us and fill that void.. Besides they are the only ones that can withstand you, at the moment)

If you don’t deserve yourself, then who do you expect to deserve you? No-one will!! Simple

When you change your inner life, your inner soul, you will feel a beautiful change in your outer world. It will feel like you were coupe’d up in a room and you opened up a window and felt a cool but warm spring breeze. You look out of the window and smile. That is the foundation of happiness within your outside world.

You will have an amazing inner life and a fantastic outer world. You will glow and draw attention to the world. You will feel confidant and want to be the person you are. You will feel a great feeling of love towards nature. You will want to watch what you eat and your figure. You will become less attracted to the material world but attractive to everyone around you. You will feel whole and at peace. You will be at one with yourself and you will see that you are a very beautiful person..

If no-one tells you, you are beautiful……. I will be the first to say and always say it regardless who you are……


Sunflower of love.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Stoned Man

Stoned Man

Stoned Man

Posted on 5th September 2011 in Emotions, Inspirational

blindfold girl

If you have never sinned before, throw the first stone NOW !!

Did anyone really throw a stone?

I don’t believe so, if you are a non-sinner, it’s first nature not to judge (Duhhh, LOL I had to say it). Non-sinners respect and accept those that are different. Non-sinners love everyone endlessly, even if they are at fault. Non-sinners know the “Golden” truth.

Walking away is the best policy.

A lot of us tend to point at others for what they do or what they say. We like to tell people how crazy someone’s lifestyle is and how they should change their actions to something more appropriate. We then tend to think that they should not think that way as this is not, what society has taught us.

Why do we assume these things??.

Is it due to believing that everyone else thinks this way??

But, do they?

When I hear gossip, I know this is not the kind of group I want to hang out with in the future.

These individuals are insecure of themselves and their inner being and they can’t handle someone else’s lifestyle. Most likely its either because their insecurities tell them that they should not even think about doing something like this or they may have a hidden desire and fear facing their truth. Facing a truth is harder than any other judgement in this world, especially when it pertains to our own-selves.

Pointing out the truth and faults that we have in ourselves is far more hurtful than we can image. Letting go of the past and accepting your new future is hard for a lot of people that are only used to one lifestyle or way of thinking. Altering what we believe is harder then convincing yourself to pee in a cup for a nurse.

Altering your mentality to who you really are will surprise you. You will see the inner you transform to something so beautiful and powerful you will be dumbfounded in what you can achieve.

A stoned man needs to be left in the past. A person that cannot move on from a situation, will never succeed, as it is a “Distraction”entertained by yourself and you feel as if you were in a chaotic place with little light. People will continue to dwell on the past instead of letting it go. Sometimes I wonder if we like hurting ourselves over and over by thinking about our past hurt, guilt and pain. We never let them go, yet we are the first ones to ask our creator for help but become an “Indian giver” (Meaning: giving something to someone and taking it back after giving) and never let it go. We decide to hold on to our sufferings. We start to feel hopeless as we do not see a change in our lives. We don’t even realize that we took our request back from our creator. This is why no-one sees hope and we convert them into hopeless efforts.

Everyone is a stoned man at one point in their life, unless you were raised in a non-egoistic atmosphere and lived as such since the first time you remember breathing. We stone ourselves for the stupidest reasons and we hang on to those as well. We begin to look like Santa Claus at Christmas time but instead of gifts, we have a bag full of baggage (guilt, pain, hatred, materialistic,feeling lonely…etc).

An true awakened stoned being is, Strong, Self dependent,Observant, Analytic, and being limitless. A true awakened stoned being comes out of his shell and conquers his inner soul, being, and surroundings. A true awakened stoned being becomes a rock inside and knows the inner power in their mind and the power of being fearless..

Lets all unite as Powerful true awakened stoned beings and become a peaceful and maintain awareness as it was intended since the beginning!