Life has a way to show itself in so many ways. It seems that when you at your most uplifted state, something has to come and bring you down.
Today is a day that I feel this way. I feel the agony all around me. I feel sorrow. I feel pain.
I feel like I am on a path that branched off . I suddenly took the wrong path without realizing it. Once I started this path, something didn’t feel right. It felt wrong to even look at it. The air feels so stale. The smell is detestable.
My energy slowly dies. I feel the love running out of my heart. I start to bleed all over my body as if I were stabbed millions of times over and over. My skin became rough. My mind is irrational. I feel a sense of pain thats within and spikes slowly shows its way out. You can see where the spikes are slowly coming out of my skin and blood starts to drop.
I know that this feeling is not normal. I know that I have to get out of this path as I am not used to it. I slowly turn around to get off it. It knows that I want out. It try’s so hard to pull me back in, but I know that if I stay, I will not make it. I know that even though it is draining my energy and the love pours everywhere, I have faith that I will stay with at least a drop of whats being drained.
I know that a drop will go a long way to help refill this all.
I have memories of my past. I have memories of the wounds. I have memories of what needs to be faded and diminished. I know that if I have made it this far, I will be able to make my way out of this path.