Thursday, August 19, 2010

Agony of Life

Agony of Life

Life has a way to show itself in so many ways. It seems that when you at your most uplifted state, something has to come and bring you down.

Today is a day that I feel this way. I feel the agony all around me. I feel sorrow. I feel pain.

I feel like I am on a path that branched off . I suddenly took the wrong path without realizing it. Once I started this path, something didn’t feel right. It felt wrong to even look at it. The air feels so stale. The smell is detestable.

My energy slowly dies. I feel the love running out of my heart. I start to bleed all over my body as if I were stabbed millions of times over and over. My skin became rough. My mind is irrational. I feel a sense of pain thats within and spikes slowly shows its way out. You can see where the spikes are slowly coming out of my skin and blood starts to drop.

I know that this feeling is not normal. I know that I have to get out of this path as I am not used to it. I slowly turn around to get off it. It knows that I want out. It try’s so hard to pull me back in, but I know that if I stay, I will not make it. I know that even though it is draining my energy and the love pours everywhere, I have faith that I will stay with at least a drop of whats being drained.

I know that a drop will go a long way to help refill this all.

I have memories of my past. I have memories of the wounds. I have memories of what needs to be faded and diminished. I know that if I have made it this far, I will be able to make my way out of this path.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Past

The Past

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Past is something that needs to be let go. You weigh yourself down from not closing this. Why sit and dwell on things when the focus needs to be elsewhere,like creating your future. We think by creating pitty within ourselves, will make us feel some kind of relief. In reality its a relief of nothing.

When letting go of the past, you let go of so much more than ever imagine. Just think, being able to create positive affirmations would help you grow within so many ways. Why sit there feeling down when you can utilize your valuable time to heal YOU?

Bottom line here is that if you utilize more of what you want and believe, all is possible. STOP being negative.

Let go of the past, let it heal within you and start a new beginning!

You are special, you deserve the best. Remember, you can become the best!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Helpless emotions within

Helpless emotions within

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Sometimes we go through changes in our lives and within our minds. We try to grasp at different things around us instead of within us. It tends to make us feel hopelessness, sad, or confusion. We then feel a void within us. We try to fill it with different things we find around us. If we find something, it tends to feel good until it departs from us.

At times we feel as if there is no way out of our situation or we feel like we should end our lives or disappear. Trust me, I have had these feelings too and it is not a fulfilling one either. I know I had to sit in a quiet place and start to delegate a plan or solution. One that will help me be a better me without the negatives within my plan. This often helps to make my feelings better, more concrete.

I lay down just thinking about all the aspects of things. It is very easy to create an easy way out. It may be lying or being deceiving in some way, but then it never makes you feel good. Once you start a plan of being honest , assuring the highest and greatest good for you and the situation, it makes you feel better and it will create a stronger and better you. I never said being honest is easy but it makes things easier in the long run.

Emotions within seems to be helpless at times. Time goes by and its like an eternity of nothing. A complete black hole resides within, you feel as if there is no way out. You try to climb out of the hole and you feel your legs sinking in the blackness of it. Your fingers hurt because you grasp so hard to get out and you feel so helpless. Anything that is around you, you feel vulnerable and helpless. You try so hard to lift yourself out and little by little it works until you feel your legs being pulled back in. Until you have determination and you are determined 100%, that is when will overpowers the black hole.

I have been here in this black hole, plenty of times. Until I was able to gain inner power and inner strength, I would still be there today. I will not lie, at times I feel as if this black hole is following me, waiting for the time that it sees me week to get right back under me. It is not an easy task, however it starts by you loving you. No one else can help you with this. They cannot fill the void completely until you help yourself in its entirety.

Emotions happen through your thoughts. If we all convert our thoughts to a positive, we can change our emotions.

Be blessed!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Loving you is like…..

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I miss you when you are not with me. It is like having to wait for a vacation that is merely a week away, It feels like an eternity.

Did you ever think that you could ever have someone love you the way I love you?

I am sure that you may have thought of someone loving you, but have you thought of the immense love I hold for you?

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When I am with you, it is like no one else exists in this world but you and me.

If only you knew how much I really love you, the love itself would fill the entire world, overflowing into the universe. It then overflows into the galaxies and into all the planets around and beyond us.

Can you honestly grasp how much I love you?

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Does the amount of love I have for you scare you?

I never loved this way.

I never truly felt what love really was or what it truly signifies.

All I know is that my love for you is something everlasting. Something that very few people could relate.

I am sure of what I want and what I need and this my dear is YOU!

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I give you my heart so that you may nurture it, love it and keep it safe.

I want you to fill it with your love so that I can feel the love you have for me every second of the day.

I want you to keep it away from harm, but love it as if it were your own.

The day you gave me yours, I never locked it up. I simply took it and placed it in the empty spot of where mine used to reside. Now I have you with me every second of the day, just loving it as it were my child.

I promise you, that my love could never run out, as it is vast.

I love you!

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