Sunday, August 15, 2010

Helpless emotions within

Helpless emotions within

Picture492.jpg nature image by natelierich

Sometimes we go through changes in our lives and within our minds. We try to grasp at different things around us instead of within us. It tends to make us feel hopelessness, sad, or confusion. We then feel a void within us. We try to fill it with different things we find around us. If we find something, it tends to feel good until it departs from us.

At times we feel as if there is no way out of our situation or we feel like we should end our lives or disappear. Trust me, I have had these feelings too and it is not a fulfilling one either. I know I had to sit in a quiet place and start to delegate a plan or solution. One that will help me be a better me without the negatives within my plan. This often helps to make my feelings better, more concrete.

I lay down just thinking about all the aspects of things. It is very easy to create an easy way out. It may be lying or being deceiving in some way, but then it never makes you feel good. Once you start a plan of being honest , assuring the highest and greatest good for you and the situation, it makes you feel better and it will create a stronger and better you. I never said being honest is easy but it makes things easier in the long run.

Emotions within seems to be helpless at times. Time goes by and its like an eternity of nothing. A complete black hole resides within, you feel as if there is no way out. You try to climb out of the hole and you feel your legs sinking in the blackness of it. Your fingers hurt because you grasp so hard to get out and you feel so helpless. Anything that is around you, you feel vulnerable and helpless. You try so hard to lift yourself out and little by little it works until you feel your legs being pulled back in. Until you have determination and you are determined 100%, that is when will overpowers the black hole.

I have been here in this black hole, plenty of times. Until I was able to gain inner power and inner strength, I would still be there today. I will not lie, at times I feel as if this black hole is following me, waiting for the time that it sees me week to get right back under me. It is not an easy task, however it starts by you loving you. No one else can help you with this. They cannot fill the void completely until you help yourself in its entirety.

Emotions happen through your thoughts. If we all convert our thoughts to a positive, we can change our emotions.

Be blessed!

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