It’s funny how we all like to judge everyone around us as if we did not have faults.
We like to belittle other people while we are great and mighty.
We like to see what the other person does not have and see ourselves greater than others.
It is funny how we like to laugh at other people so that we may feel better about ourselves.
It is funny how we like to make others feel less of a person, while in that moment we feel more superior.
It is funny how everything is everyone else’s fault and we never hold any.
It is funny how we like to blame others for our guilt.
While other people in the world are all like photographs. We are replica’s of who the others are. We tend to feel “Better” than others, superior, and condescending. while everyone else has a taste of the same thing.
Have you ever wondered about your worse enemy? How we are all the same in some odd way.
It is funny because everyone around you is what you are.
If you are an evil person, you will only have evil people around you.
If you are a deceiving person, you only have deceivers around you.
If you are a gossiper, you only have gossipers around you.
Look at yourself. Ask yourself, “What do I need to change”?
Change yourself to whom you want around you.
You will see that people will fall off of your circle. These individuals will not be around you, because you are becoming the person you want around you. You will have new friends that will be more of a desire to you because they will be what you have become.
Try this test for at least 90 days without fail and you will see this to me true. You will start seeing results.
I get a lot of blog readers that ask me, “How can I find love, soul-mate, twin flame”?
Look at YOU first, see what “You” need to change. Change yourself to be that person you are looking for. That person that you desire to suit you the most. You will see and find that the person that you are looking for will one day come and knock on the door to your heart.
You will find the peace and love you so desire for.
You will find the peace you have always been seeking.
Have you ever heard of the phrase, “You are what you eat”?
Remember this phrase,” You are who’s around you”.
If you don’t like who is around you, then change who you are. Change yourself to whom you want in your life. You will attract more people like you. You will love yourself and those around you more.
This may be something that you may disagree . Lets write down the things you want surrounding you, change yourself to be just that.You will see that the current people that are the opposite of what you want around you will have a problem with you. They will feel uncomfortable around you. They will seem very uneasy. You will find out, who are really true to you, although you might already have a gut feeling about it!
You will then see that a new network of people will come into your life that are more like you. You will see that you will have more people around you that you will have a more liking too. You will see your life turn around to a better place for you.
Give it a whirl, you will start seeing results.
You have nothing to loose in trying and making sure you implement this “New You” 100%. Don’t let anyone tear down the “New You”.
Always be you, Love you and most of all, Praise you!
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