Tuesday, August 30, 2011




Posted on 31st August 2011 in Emotions, Inspirational

"Lonely Little Girl" by super_sheep (http://super_sheep.deviantart.com)


1. separate, apart, or isolated from others: I want to be alone.

2. to the exclusion of all others or all else: One cannot live by bread alone.
3. unique; unequaled; unexcelled (to surpass; be superior to; outdo: He excels all other poetsof his day.) He is alone among his peers in devotion to duty.
The perfect power of You!!
At times I sit back and think, why is it that I love to be alone.
I believe that…… When a Woman is alone, we gain strength, prosperity in every given way, excitement, and confidence.
Women are extremely strong willed, especially those that have children.
When a Woman is alone, we gain a huge benefit in life that not everyone may be able to enjoy. We gain an inner strength to guard and guide us. We make the impossible possible. We maintain a tactful form. We are beautiful. We are powerful.
Strong Women are what drives men to improve things around him or maybe improving himself. Men are usually content alone unless they are needy, begging, and non-self driven and they must have someone to sustain them. They fit in the “I hate me category” listed below.
Strong Women have that energy no one can resist. We are seductive in many different ways. We carry that drive, both within us and around us. We are here to nurture and help those in need.
”Alone” is what converts woman like me!
Although there are woman that do not like to be alone. A woman that does not like to be alone is one that is driven by a man. One that cannot help herself nor her self esteem. She rely’s simply on a man as she has no motivation nor drive to improve her skills.
A woman that uses herself to be with a man as she feels that she cannot be self reliant….., are ones that hate themselves, think they are ugly, always look at another girl to see what that girl has or what looks better than her, always feeling lonely and best of all , she never takes fault in anything she does as the truth hurts!
A woman that solely depends on a man is a woman that needs to re-asses her pain, guilt and fears.
Start to overcome them by realizing your dreams. ….
What do your dreams tell you??
Are they painful?
Are they Chaotic?
Are they calling for help in any way?
Is your mundane world upside down?
Nothing ever seems to work as they need too.
People are mean around you.
Drama, Drama and nothing but freakin DrAMA
Hateful remarks.
Negativity all around you.
A wish for a better change.
The need for a better mate.
(I love this last one… Remember, it will not happen unless you love yourself FIRST.. There will never be a better mate!!)
All these are signs of what you feel within you. These are signs that you need to see and realize around you so that you maybe able to improve what you need to alter within you.
If you keep doubting and hiding the truth within you, you are hurting yourself. Please do not get offended over reality. If you fit the “I hate myself category”, welcome to the “I hate me club” because there are so many of you out there! Don’t be afraid of truth, just realize it and fix it!
Being Alone was a beautiful gift, given to me by My Creator. My Creator new that I needed a huge transition so that I may be, who I am today.
I love myself and hope that you may as well..
May you be blessed in your journey!!

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