Tuesday, August 9, 2011




I consider myself to be a Unique individual. One that loves life for what it is.

Although certain situations in life either differ to something beautiful or to something that is not as pleasant, I usually take things for what they are.

I rarely find myself getting mad at the world, people or situations. I find myself seeking why the actions happened the way they did. What I could have learned out of it. What was something I could do in the future to avoid a repeat of what had happened.

I see a lot of people dwell on their past. I see that people do not realize that they dont need to dwell on a past. Why spend more time on something that you cannot change or “Hoped” to be different. I believe that every person should make peace with their circumstances and situations.

I also see a lot of people looking for love in all the wrong places. I can honestly admit that I have gone through this trial and error in life. I can say that it was an interesting one. What I thought I once wanted, is not what I want now.
Love is something that you must learn. This is not something that we just jump into (Like most of us do). Love is an emotion that everyone enjoys feeling. The emotion of having a new person, New company, Attraction and that feeling of excitement. After we feel this feeling, little by little we start finding faults in people. We want to change them in some way to accommodate our feelings. The other person than gets tired of “acting” like another person. We allow our partner to change who we are . Once we realize this point, we start to re-think our actions. we get bored and need change. Routines start to settle in and we become slaves to each-other.

I believe and have experienced that, if you start degrading yourself (i.e “I’m Fat”,”I’m so ugly”, “S/he is better looking than me”) then you will start believing , what you are thinking. Insecurities and rebellion come to play. This means, You do not love yourself. If you cannot get up in the morning praising yourself and starting off the day telling yourself you look sexy, then you have no business looking for love. You need to start looking at what you are lacking within yourself BEFORE you can allow yourself to even think this way. In the past, i never really knew what loving myself truly meant. Heck, I thought everyone naturally loved themselves. Then I started to realize how negative I was and how verbally abusive I became to myself. This is when I realized my ugly truth.

I see so many people that are only looking to purchase the latest fashions, or better clothing, or maybe simply to show off an expensive piece of luxury.

I believe that if everyone STOPPED, sat down, looked around and smelled the fresh air, we could finally see a beautiful creation. Analyse what is going on around us. See what we have been missing and what you are able to hear. Not everyone takes a moment to chill. This is quite sad.

I believe that if we all took some time out to ourselves, not only would we start loving ourselves, but we would be less stressed in life. We would be able to enjoy what is around us and what we truly live for. We start to realize that we are slaves in this world, trying to make a living and paying our dues. We should not be our own slaves at home. This is the perfect time to have self love and stop the routines and stress in our lives.

Be yourself. Who cares what people think. Trust me, you will become the most attractive individual because now a days, no one likes phony people and there are a lot out there. Lets seperate ourselves from the “normal” world and become ourselves. Become one!!

Self power and self love!!

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