People change, things change. Damage, tears and hurt start to settle. I am not sure what I need for you to move on or to settle in peace with your new family. All I ask is that you let me go.
You had your time, your opportunities to make things right. You decided not to take advantage of your chances. Chances and opportunities do not linger, they go away. I ask that you think back on the past and come to peace with it. There is NO point for return. This is it. It is done. It is over. I cannot give you another chance. We are no longer who we were. We are different. We are now two, no longer one.
I gave you all of my love. You decided not to cherish what I gave you. I must admit, there were times that you made me happy but sadly to say that the majority of the time, it was complete sadness. I hung on as long and as much as I could. But I was tired. I was exhausted. You did not value what we had. You refused to make ends meet. I had to go the extra mile and assure the ends to meet. But I got tired. I couldn't do it anymore.
You became very hateful, deceiving, a liar, and someone that I never knew. If you are happy that way, then Bless you. But, please let me go. I am only a past in your life. It has been over for a year now. Time passed and you never healed because you chose not too. I am a different person. I am whole. I am complete. I came in peace with who I am.
Fustrations are brought in when I see you make things hard for me, just to satisfy you. How egoistic. How can anyone call you a man. Come to peace with yourself and let me go.
Even though we rarely see each other, I feel your energy that remains. Please detach yourself from my energy, I assure you that once you do, you will feel better. You will feel like you have gained something. This will be your first step to happiness. You are only making things bad on you. I feel sorry for you. I would like you to be happy. I only want good for you. I only want you to come to peace with you. This will make you a stronger man in your relationships. Stop trying to get the kids involved. This is the worse thing you can do!!
I ask that you let me go. I am no future for you. I am death. I am one that has demised within you and you refuse to bury.
Please, Let me go. I am tangled within your energy and cannot come out.
I know that Lancelot will come in and save me, but until then , I can only beg you to let me go!!
I have done nothing but loved you in the past.
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