Thursday, June 17, 2010

Listen to your heart completely

Listen to your heart completely

Love-1.jpg love image by JaVz773

When you are in love and you start to wonder why this love is so much different from all the other love you have felt or experienced in your past, you tend to shy away or feel scared about it.

You can be sure about the feelings. You can be sure that this is what is meant to be, however you have this feeling of why this love being so pure and right is scaring you. Why the love you are feeling is what you desire but you want to find a flaw.

You are confused within you because you have never experienced something so wonderful in the past, a love that you have always desired finally comes and knocks on your door and you have no clue what to do or how to react.

love.jpg love quote image by _LivinForTheNight_

Some of us think that once it comes we will embrace the feeling and live a happy life.

Once you experience such pleasure in love you start to get scared or think you don’t deserve it. You start to think that this is too good to be true, let me destroy it because I am not self worthy of such feeling or such bliss.

This is when you realize that you are not completely healed in the wonderful world of love.

Doubt comes in. You start feeling scared and confused.

wishes.jpg LOVE image by SophiaMarieTuliglowski

Listen to your heart. Listen to the feelings your heart holds..

Dont let something so good, slip through your fingers because you are feeling insecurities.

Although, you try to fight off this magnificent and wonderful feeling, you need to listen to your heart before you let them go. Don’t scare away what will be the most wonderful thing in your life. The love you have always desired.

Don’t follow advice from those that always fail in love. Those that see that you have finally gotten what you deserve and they want what you have. They dont want to see you in complete happiness as they are not happy. People do not always do this out of intent. They believe they want the best for you but deep down they want to experience what you are feeling and living.

Be careful of those that envy and desire what you have and start to show or release negativity. This is not healthy for you or your relationship.

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