Saturday, January 30, 2010


Not knowing where to go, where to turn. Walking through branches and leaves. I only seen the rays of sunlight coming from the heavens through the trees. Lost within my own wilderness, the dark came very quickly. It felt like the darkness would never go away. It was like torture. Something that I know I do not want to experience again.

Sleeping on the branches and leaves at night was rough. Knowing the unknown in the wilderness was scary. Not knowing where I was and where I would end up, it only made things to be confusing.

When light begin to arrive once more, it was assurance that I was alive another day. It was ease to know that I once again was able to open my eyes. No food to satisfy, only my mind of confusion took this away. I walked for hours. Nothing.

The sounds of the wind was extrememly gloomy. I heard the cries through the wind. The hurt that was carried through the feelings of this never ending forest. The feeling of hurt would sink into my skin and touch my bone. It then began to enter my veins and into my nervous system. Something so deep that it made my body tense and uncomfortable. I had to keep going.

Shiver running down my spine. It was like a sword slashing my spine. I felt like I could not take it anymore, but the only thing I could do was to keep on walking. Looking for a way out. Looking to leave this painful but evil forest.

Months of being lost and feeling pain. I knew I was soon to be out of this forest. The more I walked the less the pain became. I feel week and helpless but I know that I must keep walking. Not knowing where I would end up or what would be left of me, I kept going. Time was healing my wounds while I was walking.

I seen more sunlight. I see green pastures.. Wow, I am finally out. It has been a year.

I have finally made it out of the wilderness.

I seen someone from afar. My eyes hurt as the sunlight was bright. I knew nothing. I wondered what the endless path was taking me, but deep down I didn't care. I just knew that this was over and I wanted out.

When I walked towards the exit of this painful journey, I seen someone standing there. I was not sure who it was as I never seen this person before. As I walked closer it was a male. He was beautiful. He looked like an Angel..I blinked to assure what I was seeing, his features, he was carved by hands of Gods. He was beautiful. I could see his spirit. It was pure and loving. I was not sure what he was doing there. It was like he was there waiting for me. Nothing more but to wait here until I got out. Why would someone so pure in spirit, loving and beautiful want someone like me?

He spoke my name. I answered. His arms opened. He hugged me. I cried. He cried. It was you, my soulmate. Waiting for me to get out of this painful but powerful journey. He was there to greet me and love me..

This hard painful journey opened me up to a new journey that is endless in Love with you.

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