Monday, May 31, 2010



I have been resentful in life about a lot of things. I have been resentful of the frogs in my life. Resentful of the negative things that happen to me in life. Resentful for not having a lot of time with my kids. I have been resentful about the way I grew up.

I had to be my own psychologist. I had to be the motivator in my life so that I could take away my resentful of those that I felt were attacking me. I had to come to the realization that I had to fix the inner me and start to love and forgive those around me, Even if I felt it was their fault. The images around us show us what we need to work on in life. Some experiences is harder than others, and some have it a little easier. It all ends up being one in the same because we all feel the same pain. You cannot compare one pain to another because they all feel the same. They must be all the same, right?

I have had to do a lot of repairing in my soul. A lot of seeing my faults. It is not an easy task, being that it hurts to see your own faults because we want to see us as being perfect. We could never hurt a fly? When you analyse yourself it gets much deeper and your hurt, hate, and negativity comes out and you feel pain. You feel that you cant clean out your closet and face your own guilt. It seems that your world is shattering in an instant because it hurts and the pain is unbearable.

I cant say that life is easy. If it were than we would never learn the purpose of why we are here. We would not learn how to heal our inner soul. I know that I have suffered a lot in this life. But even though my suffering seems to be huge, I know in the long run it is a blessing. I have learned a lot in life. I have learned to be a better person (Continue to learn this one). I have learned to be a better mother(Still working on this one too). The failure with the frogs in my life, showed me to be a better lover, a better friend.

I am grateful for all that happens in my life. I know that I am still in my path of growing. The path of knowing to keep being a better person. To treat myself better than ever. I deserve to be loved, I deserve to be a better person. I deserve to live a prosperous life. So do you!

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