Time heals all. With time, you can really get yourself back on track. Time at times feels so slow. Sometimes, I want the weeks to fly and want to turn the clock forward so that I can speed up days and weeks. I want the suffering to end. I want my life back on track. Then I start to realize, if there is such thing. Can you really ever get yout life on track? Can you really be ultimately happy? I am sure you can, time heals all. It heals the pain you have bundled up inside. It heals what you lack. It is hard to sit and wait. You want things to happen quick in your life.
A good friend of mine told me that if we had time go by quick and things to resolve fast, we would miss out on the point of the entire situation and never understand or realize it fully. When I sit and think about this, he is right. I need to go through this emotional withdrawal to learn the mistakes I have made.
Time is something that you could either love or hate. It is something that takes time to heal your heart, Soul and mind.
Time will also allow you to realize what intentions people have and know if they are honest, pure and committed. It shows you how a person really are deep down inside. Its funny because I thought I knew several people in my life. I thought I knew their true intentions, however I was wrong. I think I was right at the time, but since time changes all the time and so does people, you really don't know. We, also change so our vibrations with those certain people change and we just do not feel the same anymore.
Time tells all. Literally it does. I have come to see that time equals truth. It tells you everything you need to know. We need to trust ourselves, gut feelings and our thoughts. If we miss the point that needed to be made, it is only our fault that we have missed it or want to be so blind so that we don't hurt ourselves. There were plenty of times that I knew the truth but didn't want to realize it because I knew it was going to hurt. I chose not to hurt and closed my eyes and let it be.
Time will let you know who YOU really are. I know that time opened my eyes a lot in the past several years. I came to love myself more now than I ever have. I came to see that no one will love you more than you. If you don't love you, you will be forever lost in this world. You need to be selfish with yourself because if you don't who will?? You need to take care of yourself. You need to be there for you.
Time is time.. No one can change time, but everyone can change themselves so that they can Cherish time more and have time to do everything they want in life. A worry free life is a wise one. Love yourself and time will heal all and you will be endlessly happy!
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