Monday, May 31, 2010

Who Am I?


Who I thought I was once, is no longer who I am today. Sometimes I feel confused even though I know the answer. Sometimes I feel weak even though I know I am strong. Sometimes I feel like I can be the best partner for any man in this world, then I think, I am sure there is someone out there better for them. I know I have faults but I know that I also have value.

I am a single mother of 5 beautiful children. Yes, I said 5. Although everyone that meets me thinks I am 25, which I love and will not deny. I am also very independent. I am raising my children on my own and am very proud of it. I am not the richest person on this earth, But I feel very grateful to have the honor of being able to guide these souls into this rough mundane world. It is a challenge. I am human and feel weak at times. When I have no one there to lift me up, I am the only voice that my head has. Yes, I talk to myself and I have to lift myself up once again. If I don’t, who will? Everything in life is a challenge. The only thing we can do is live and learn. Yes, the old saying that everyone says but no one likes to hear.

If life where easy we would all be millionaires, bored and nothing to live for. I know that we all make decisions whether they are good or bad. But, the choices that we make are choices that we need to live by. Choices that are made have different paths in life. It changes all the time. Sometimes we regret them, but know that there is nothing in life to regret. It is a learning experience we all must learn. It makes us strong and better people. It makes us who we are today, whether you think it is bad or not, just strive to be happy and make it happy.

I used to be an anti-Divorce person. I used to judge those that cheated, lied, and did the opposite that everyone should do. Now, I understand why people do them. It all has the same core of being unhappy and have a void. This is why I decided to soul search and decided never to judge decisions made by others. The decisions are made by them for a reason. I learn to except and respect what they do, even if I don’t like their decisions. It doesn’t matter anyway. Even though they could have changed it to favor me, but then it would not make them happy. I learned that respecting others is very good and makes life easy. Judging others only makes you realize how your life really is and makes you feel worse. It may give your a power trip for only 5 minutes but when you really think about it, one tends to compare their life and does not feel too hot after realizing you are no better or be worse than the person you judged.

I get so many people tell me that I am hot. They tell me that I would have no problems in finding love. This is so not true. I feel like I am your avergae Jane. I am determined not to settle for less. I have now made up a list of things that I want in life. I refuse to have three strikes. I think everyone should make a list and have what they want. Order the person that you are determined to have. Why not?? Have you ever though why the ugly guy or girl next door had a very attractive partner and are really happy? They were determined to have what they wanted or they either settle.. No one says life is easy. This is why we all have to make standards in our lives. I am not saying that we are better than others, what I am saying is that we should not settle less for our standards. I think it makes love a little easier and not harder on your decisions.

Who am I?? A girl out that is looking for my knight that loved me so much that I had to let go. The guy that is loving, Open minded, caring, Handsome, Adventurous,Faithful, non-judgemental,financially stable, Has goals, and will know that I am the only one for him and he is the only one for me. I want the fairytale with the happy ending! This is who I am!! Have you read about Guinevere (King Arthur)?? I am her awaiting her lost love Lancelot. Read the story and you will see the pure love.

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