Monday, May 31, 2010

Tiger Woods


Poor Tiger Woods.

I was standing in line today at the grocery store. It was full with shoppers and the lines were awfully long. While I parked my buggy in line waiting my turn in the check out line. I was the third person in line to get to the cashier and about 3 other people behind me. As I stood by the magazines, the son (He is about 13-14 yrs old) of a woman that was behind me said to his mom,"Look, there is Tiger Woods, did you hear about that". His mother replied,"Oh, yes, and everyone thought he was such a good person. It's a shame".

So when did classifying cheating make people a "Bad person"?

They are not a bad person. Not at all. In the mundane world, it is not desired that someone cheats. Why would you stand there and show your child to criticize or judge other peoples lives? I was cheated on from my first husband, but that does not make him an awful person. He did what he did because he was "Missing" something in his life. We don't know what Tiger Woods was missing in his life. What if his wife is this bitch that he could not stand or loved? He did what he thought was best for him at that moment.

Celeberties are ordinary people too. Just because celebrities cheat, it does not mean its the end of the world. Really..Its not, trust me.

Tell me something, if you cheated today and got caught, would you want the world to know? If the world knew, and you were on the front cover of "Peoples" magazine, what would you feel or say?? Embarrassing, isn't it?? Now, since you are in his shoes, will you want people to judge you?? What if your partner was not providing sex, or you guys had an unanounced separation, or your wife treated you like scum but for the sake of not placing her down you take the blame. Doesn't the picture look different? This is not to mean that this is Tiger Woods situation, but people, we cannot judge what people do.

Did the situation of Tiger Woods hurt you in any?? No, it didnt, unless you were secretly in love with him, now you should be happy because he is up for grabs.. LOL

Lets leave the poor guy alone. The saying of Jesus was, "Throw the first stone if you have not sinned". Even though the sin is something we created and really does not mean a darn thing, it only hurts us because we know that we have done wrong.

To the lady at the supermarket, shame on you. You should not judge because you may do it one day. Those who are quick to judge are the first to do the same acts and the first to not be in the position of being judged. Who knows, maybe your husband is cheating on you too. THink about it, look at your situation. Worry only of yourself and never judge. Be an example!!!

To tiger Woods, you are the man, so keep your head up, continue to play and continue to be blessed!!

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